Training & Workshops

The Objective of the seminar and workshops:

To equip participating managers, entrepreneurs and professionals with managerial, leadership and attitudinal skill development to effectively discharge their professional roles and responsibilities and handle potential challenges.

Workshop Benefits:

The workshop aims to bring about a wholesome development in the participants, by focusing on:

  • Personal development: By receiving feedback. Coping with stress and projecting confidence even during tough times. Taking care of personal life.
  • Developing relationship with direct reports: Giving constructive feedback and recognizing the good deeds of direct reports. Staying connected with the team members.
  • Aligning with the overall goals of the organization: Understand organization’s goals and objectives and be a role model in implementing them.

Developing leadership abilities: Networking with managers and broadening the managerial perspective by constant learning and development.

The following modules develops and expand managerial and leadership competencies:

Sustaining a positive mental attitude

Attitude determines altitude! The quantum of success and happiness is directly related to one’s attitude. Ability to understand the implication of positive and negative attitudes and tuning into positive attitude is imperative:

  • Understanding the dynamics of attitude
  • Ways to sustain a positive attitude always
  • The power of positive words
  • The role of conscious and subconscious mind in work and life

Resolving Conflicts and Negotiating a win/win deal:

Congregation of people is coming together of different and differing mindset, which is certain to lead to conflicts. Conflicts are healthy when directed well, else it might be disastrous. Ability to negotiate develops relationships and getting the desired results:

  • Understanding the important factors that influence negotiation
  • Factors to be considered while preparing for negotiation
  • Understanding the positive and negative implication of conflicts
  • Managing creative conflicts

Vision, Mission & Innovation

Vision gives a purpose and mission helps develop a plan of action to make the vision a reality. Being innovative in achieving the mission, goal, infuses energy in action.

  • Developing individual vision statement and aligning with the organization vision
  • Setting SMART goals and making the vision a reality
  • Generating creative ideas

Communicating for results – Taking Ownership & Responsibility

Communication plays an important role in getting work done. Effectiveness in communication enhances the quality and quantity of work:

  • Impact of verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Challenges of listening – intent and content of communication

The passive, aggressive and assertive communication

Art of problem preventing and solving

Problem provides opportunity for growth. When viewed from different perspectives problems help generate multiplicity of ideas leading to solutions and innovations:

  • Identifying the stages of problems
  • Applying the eight steps to problem solving

Identifying the problem and root cause analysis

Optimum utilization of time& managing meetings:

The quantity, twenty four hours a day, is the same for all. The quality, the way it is put to use, is the differentiator. Making the best use of time differentiates a leader from a mediocre. Optimizing time is optimizing life. Time management is life management.

  • Work & Life integration
  • Doing good things in order of their importance
  • Urgency quadrant

Creating a winning team to serve internal and external customers

An organization is coming together of individuals and working together interdependently as a team to provide exceptional customer service

  • Synergizing with team members
  • Understanding team roles and responsibilities
  • Adaptive leadership styles

Positive and negative conflicts and negotiating a win / win deal

Developing emotional competence

Emotions play an important role in every human being. Emotions are dynamic and at times erratic, emotional competence is the stabilizer. Creating a harmonious relationship needs proper understanding of the under currents in emotions:

  • The inherent leadership and managerial traits
  • Developing a responsive behavior

The impact of reaction and responsive behaviours

Building performance based on motivation

Performance appraisal is one of the components of performance management. Understanding the other important components of performance management helps maximize productivity and minimize costs:

  • Steps for setting goals
  • Important components of delegation
  • Offering timely feedback
  • Coaching and reviewing performance

Creating a development plan

Leadership & Motivation:

The challenge of every leader is to achieve desired results within the resources available. In such challenging situation leadership traits comes in handy to achieve desired results:

  • The managerial and leadership traits in work
  • The effect of pull and push leadership
  • Leadership styles to suit the maturity levels of receivers
  • Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Creating a conducive environment for self-motivation

Developing endearing relationships with colleagues:

Cultivate relationships with people both inside and outside your organization, and develop influence strategies to build and strengthen your network:

  • The Importance of Peer Network
  • Building a Successful Network
  • The Power of Influence
  • The Practice of Persuasion
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration with Peers

Providing exceptional customer service:

In a highly competitive business environment it is important to delight our customers with exceptional services then just satisfying them. It is important to understand customers’ behaviours and treat them the way they wish to be treated:

  • Understanding Customer touch points
  • Moments of truth in customer service
  • Customer mining

Clinching the Deal:

Every successful person is a salesperson! The altitude of success depends on developing professionalism in selling.  In most of the sales calls after building a rapport the product is presented and based on the buying signals from the prospect the salesperson asks for the order and clinch the deal:

  • Identifying buying signals
  • Using weighing closes and trial closes
  • Understanding different types of objections
  • Smoking-out hidden objections

Delivery Methodology:

  • To make learning lucid the sessions are delivered through facilitator-led collaborate learning in the form of Individual and Group activities.
  • The sessions provide for sharing and discussion on work and life related issues.
  • Business simulation and role-plays to re-enforce the key concepts from the modules.
  • At the end of each module participants’ capture key takeaways and develop action plan for implementation.
  • Learning from the past sessions are reviewed and implementations shared with the larger group.